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Podcast Guest Application

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Contact Information
Mailing Address
This address will only be used to send a post-interview thank you note or gift.
Personal Information
Headshot (or best picture of you)
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Social Media
Please fill out as completely as possible. This information will be used to connect you with Jennie and for promoting your episode.
Promotional Info
How will you promote your episode?
Specific Questions
Sponsorship Options
Some of our guests choose to sponsor their episode to increase their visibility and reach as an influential direct sales leader. Video Sponsorship - You get all the benefits from the FULL Sponsorship plus we will video record the interview (partial and full sponsor are AUDIO only), have it professionally edited and posted on the Badass Direct Sales Mastery YouTube Channel. Those video episodes will also get additional social media postings and you can promote the video to your list of customers, team members and others as well. $149 Fully sponsored episodes are uploaded sooner, posted 3 times each on the Level Up Coaching Facebook Page, Badass Direct Sales Mastery Facebook Page, Badass Direct Sales Mastery Facebook Community, and on Jennie Bellinger's personal Facebook profile, plus will receive one boosted ad on Facebook. $89 Partially sponsored episodes are uploaded sooner, posted 3 times each on the Level Up Coaching Facebook Page, Badass Direct Sales Mastery Facebook Page, Badass Direct Sales Mastery Facebook Community, and on Jennie Bellinger's personal Facebook profile. $49
Terms of Agreement*
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