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Badass Direct Sales Mastery
Badass Direct Sales Mastery
Jennie Bellinger

Whipping Your Direct Sales Business Into Shape

Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast

Welcome to the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast! This podcast is for rock star direct sales reps and leaders who want to shorten their learning curve and whip their business into shape with the help of The Direct Sales Domme, Jennie Bellinger, CPC.

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Ari Galper: High Trust Selling

About Ari Galper: Ari is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling, and has been featured in CEO magazine, Forbes, Inc. magazine, Sky News, and the Australian Financial Review. He has also created a unique and different sales approach based on trust and integrity called Unlock The Game.

In this episode, Jennie and Ari discuss:

Unlock the game sales approach
The three myths in sales
Building relationships with other people

Key Takeaways:

The Unlock the Game sales strategy is all about moving people’s mindsets away from the sale and toward creating deep trust with them, where they’re vulnerable and comfortable with you telling them the truth about where they stand.
The three core myths in sales include the idea that sales is a number game, the idea of the sale is lost at the end of the process, and that rejection is part of the sales process.
The people you meet in life may be the same people you’ll talk to about sales in the future. Build relationships with them and remember to leave a good impression to make them trust you.

“We have been conditioned our whole lives to attempt to move things forward. And when there’s resistance, and you try and do that, it’s over. It’s on you don’t even know it till all at the end of the chase. What’s most painful? The sales last in the beginning, not the end.” – Ari Galper

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Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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Rebecca Cramer – Social Selling

About Rebecca Cramer: Rebecca Cramer is an experienced digital marketing professional. She is a social selling master who specializes in coaching business owners to leverage their company’s own unique story in order to increase their social selling metrics and blow away their audience with a masterful use of digital marketing tools through implementing a strategy customized to their needs and goals.

In this episode, Jennie and Rebecca discuss:

How to get people to buy your products
Social selling points to growing your business
Purchasing the product or availing the services of the people you personally know
Explaining your personal whys

Key Takeaways:

The key to getting people to buy your products is having the right product. Some people may want to buy from you, but the products you offer don’t match their needs.
Social selling involves using social media to connect with your audience and do business with them. In order to grow your business through social selling, you must provide value, create a call to action, and take steps to make it happen.
It shouldn’t always be a matter of where is convenient or where is more comfortable. If we personally know someone who provides the same level of service but to whom we feel more connected since we have already established a special relationship, it is sometimes better to buy from or use their services.
Explaining the reasons why you made the decision that you did while staying authentic about everything else in your life will allow you to establish a connection with others which could lead to them buying your products or services.

“If you want to do business with people, you have to be interested in them and there has to be that human to human connections, then they’ll have to fall in love with the product and/or service” – Rebecca Cramer

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Show notes by Podcastologist: Angelica Rayco

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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Debra Baez – Struggle is the Opportunity for Growth

About Debra Baez: She is passionate about health and healing of the body, mind and spirit. Her purpose is to guide others in passing down healthier and healed cycles as legacies. She is a servant leader, Latinx/ Chicana, daughter of a Mexican immigrant elder mother and a deceased Chicano father. She is a bilingual, biliterate mom of 2 and former formal educator in the school system and currently an educator in wellness, and certified healer.In this episode, Jennie and Debra discuss:

Finding purpose in times of struggle
Creating overall well-being
Networking done right
Being grateful for where you are Key Takeaways:
It’s important for you to find purpose, especially in times of struggle. Learn from other people, but also learn more about yourself – dive deep within and figure out your “why”.
Health is all about creating wellness in your being as a whole. You can have a healthier gut, but if the mind and spirit are not healed, we will not be happy since we are not fully healed.
When networking is done right, your connection and relationship with people becomes about giving value and receiving it instead of taking and taking. Recognize your clients or people who’ve helped you, show your gratitude.
Know where you want to go and be grateful for how you got to where you are. Celebrate your current victories as you strive to be successful in however you define the word.

“It’s not just about reading and learning all the time, it’s about doing the inner work. I firmly believe that the inner work is where we uncover and remember who we are and what our purpose is. Everything we bring with us is a piece of that story.” —  Debra Baez Connect with Debra Baez:Facebook: Instagram: @healthylatinxmamaCONNECT WITH JENNIE:Twitter:


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by

Turnkey Podcast Productions.

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Terran Gimpel: True Social Business

About Terran Gimpel: His clients have made combined millions in the online space and helped tens of thousands of people make lasting changes in their lives and businesses.

He’s been coaching business owners since 2018 and knows what normal looks like for many businesses trying to market their products and services B2B; and is here to tell us about what’s changing and what the future of marketing is going to look like.

With his web app and training program, his company is poised to turn a not-so-modern method of marketing on its head to help consumers deal with less spam, and less intrusive attention based advertising; and help business owners attract more of their ideal, qualified, and interested clients to their products and services.

In this episode, Jennie and Terran discuss:

The key to great sales connections
The first stage in any sales process
Meeting people where they are
Establishing referral partnerships Key Takeaways:

Relationship building is the key to getting and maintaining great sales connections. It will be an advantage for you to be able to keep track of each connection you make and the progress you have with them.
Finding out whether your client is interested is the first stage in any sales process. It’s important that the product you’re selling aligns as a solution to the problem they are going through.
Meet people where they are, not showing up to sell but bringing up your product seamlessly in a conversation that discusses something that you’re both interested in.
Don’t force your product on someone, if it’s not what they’re looking for. If you know somebody who can provide the solutions that the client needs, refer the client to them. That’s why it’s important to not only keep a relationship with your clients but with other businesses too.

“Find your qualified market, know who you wanna talk to. Reach out to them and build natural relationships and once you know what their interests are. Either sell them what you sell or introduce them to what they’re looking for.” —  Terran Gimpel

Register for the TrueConnect Beta Waitlist by clicking on this link:

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Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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Veronique Cyr: Plant Seeds in 15 Minutes a Day

About Veronique Cyr: She used to work in the tourism industry for almost 15 years. She had two little babies and after this, she realized her life quality was so much more important than her work income

She and her life partner made a decision together, they had a good job with good conditions and great income but they wanted to be there for their children. Now for four years, she’s been working on a new project, being able to talk to adults, be challenged, be a woman and work with business women who help present this particular business opportunity to her. Since then, she has become so much more powerful and she’s happy to have the chance to say yes. She’s a much better human and a great inspiration to her kids.

In this episode, Jennie and Veronique Cyr discuss:

Freedom and growth in network marketing
The minimum requirements to thrive in business
Rethinking the way you see failure
Making small steps daily

Key Takeaways:

The network marketing business has been a platform that allowed many people to step into their power, build a career, and inspire others.
A strong mindset is essential in order to build a career in network marketing, and in any industry. You have to be able to receive bad comments and handle rejection.
The way you see failure is a question of mind set. Failure isn’t the end, it’s a stepping stone in your self-development journey.
Progress is better than perfection. The best way to last in the direct-sales or network marketing business is to make at least one small step everyday.

“When you’re working on something, of course, you have a goal. You’ll have to figure out how you’ll get there… The way to go is more important than the speed” —  Veronique Cyr

Connect with Veronique Cyr:



Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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How I am Whipping My Business into Shape

In this episode, Jennie discussed:

Having a team that supports you

Accepting help from other people

Having an open mind and a learner mindset

Being present and actively engaged

Key Takeaways:
The key to getting further in your goal and in your growth is by having a team, or at least, people that support you and are willing to help you in every step of the way.

Don’t do everything by yourself. When someone asks you what you need, don’t reject their offer, be honest and clear about what you need, and accept the help.

Have an open mind and a learner mindset. Always try to learn from people, either from what they say or the lessons from the life they lived.

Always be present and actively engaged whenever you’re in a conference. If you’re in a webinar, be sure to interact through chat.

“When someone asks you ‘how I can help you’, you need to have specific answers and know what you need. Don’t try and be fricken wonder woman and do it all by yourself… the best people in business have built a team around them” —  Jennie Bellinger


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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Moira Ni Gallachoir: Get Paid to Speak

About Moira Ní Ghallachóir: Moira shows entrepreneurs a powerful pathway to enrolling more clients, making way more money and having a globetrotting lifestyle – without the complicated strategies. So they can finally enjoy the success and the freedom they started their business for in the first place. She went from being a youth worker living in London making 30k a year to a business mentor and speaking, building a multiple 6 figure revenue in less than 3 years. She has captivated audiences worldwide with her powerful presentations, her retreats in Paris and New York as well as her newest venture – stylish secret supper style gatherings for big thinking entrepreneurs to get their message out in a big way anywhere in the world.In this episode, Jennie and Moira discuss:

Getting started as a speaker
Ask, attend, and ascend
Knowing your stage 
Dreaming big dreams for your business

Key Takeaways:

Take the first step into your journey as a speaker. Don’t overthink it, just get started. Better to fail forward than be stuck, you don’t have to get everything perfect before you move.
Start looking around in your local area and start seeing where the opportunities to speak are. Remember to attend, then ask the event host, and eventually create enough momentum to ascend as a speaker.
Know the stages you wanna speak on, don’t just leave it to chance. Where do you want to speak? At what event? Get down to the nitty-gritty. That’s how you’ll ascend.
Ascending in your speaker career or business starts with dreaming big. What do you want your life as a speaker to look like? Decide where you want your business to take you.

“Understand that it grows from one stage at a time, one event at a time, one client at a time, one offer at a time. Create consistency within that because consistency is gonna lead to momentum, into your ascension as a speaker, a leader, change maker, a money maker and… a traveler.” —  Moira Ní Ghallachóir

Get Moira’s FREE guide, “11 Keys to Finding Your First Or Next Virtual Speaking Gig” by clicking on this link:

Connect with Moira Ní Ghallachóir:Facebook: Instagram: Website: LinkedIn:



Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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Griselda Beck: The Key to Freedom

About Griselda Beck: Griselda Beck is a powerhouse speaker and coach that combines her executive expertise, with transformational leadership, mindset, life coaching and heart-centered divine feminine energy principles to empower women across the globe step into their power, authenticity, hearts and sensuality to create incredible success in their business and freedom in their lives. Griselda Beck is an executive with 15+ years of corporate experience, Founder of Latina Boss Coach and Beck Consulting Group and serves as President for MANA de North County San Diego. She has been featured as a Top Expert on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, Marketwatch, Telemundo and most recently named on the Top 10 Business Coaches list by Disrupt Magazine. Griselda is a featured author in the book series 13 Steps to Riches based on Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and Boss Latina Anthology.

In this episode, Jennie and Griselda discuss:

Finding what lights your soul
Don’t bring stale energy
Connecting to your passion
Knowing who you are
Key Takeaways:

If you had no one else but yourself to think about, what would your life look like? Find what lights you up and work your life around that.
People want you to light them on fire so don’t bring stale energy into any relationship. Let your presence excite people, put passion into whatever interaction you’re in right now.
Continuously connect with the reason that you were passionate about your business in the beginning. Remind yourself why you were excited, and continue to draw from that well.
Your view of yourself might be fragmented right now, but once you realize that all those fragments are all parts of you and are all true, then you’ll be able to truly know who you stand in your identity and in your power.

“When you start living in that truth, you become more aligned to who you truly are and life gets sweeter.” —  Griselda Beck

Reserve your seat at the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Summit by clicking here:  Connect with Griselda Beck:Facebook: info@beckconsultinggroup.comCONNECT WITH JENNIE:Twitter:


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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Justin Belobaba – Find Your Next Customer Online

About Justin Belobaba: He is the Founder and CEO of Now Site, a tech company that focuses on leveling the playing field for independent or actual small business owners by providing prospects and marketing opportunities online.

In this episode, Jennie and Justin discuss:

Building relationships online
Meeting people where they are
Better sales leads to a better life
Selling to the people that need you

Key Takeaways:

Build relationships and make connections through marketing online, the biggest source of customers that you will ever find.
Meeting people where they are is difficult if you don’t know where to look. With Now Site, you’ll be handed your ideal clients.
You can draw a line directly from helping people achieve better sales reports to directly a better life for their family.
Your product or service provides an outcome that people want and need that improves their life. It’s your job to get to the right people.

“Two-thirds of customers are found online. It’s the biggest source of customers ever – if you are not able to access them, you’re gonna have trouble competing against bigger companies .” — Justin Belobaba

Get your next prospects online here:

Don’t miss Justin on the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Summit:

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Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

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