Jacinda Bell: You Have To Do What’s Right For You

About Jacinda Bell: Jacinda is the Creator/Founder of The Virtual Visionary. She is a 40-year-old wife, mom, Gigi & business creator from Upstate NY. A child abuse and domestic violence survivor who reclaimed her life after 30 years of combined abuse, she wants other women to know that everything they need to build their confidence is within them already, and she can guide them in their journey to transform into something beautiful.

In this episode, Jennie and Jacinda discuss:

  • The journey Jacinda took to become the person she is today
  • Dealing with the scars of our past
  • Realizing your capability
  • Self-worth versus self-esteem

Key Takeaways:

  • No matter how many times people degrade you or how many times life challenges you, as long as you understand the real you, what you value, and what you desire in your life, you can move forward and succeed.
  • It’s okay to be vulnerable when you dig deep into your painful past. You are bigger than your scars, and you have all the time in the world to move forward and be happy.
  • Do what you love without trying to please anyone. Success must be something we define for ourselves, not something others define for us.
  • Having self-worth means knowing that you’re worthy of love, deserving of friendship and that you’re capable of doing more than you realize that you are capable of. You just have to find it and allow yourself to believe that it’s there. 

“You have to do what’s right for you. Always be true to yourself and to your own feelings, because the only person’s opinion that matters is your own.” – Jacinda Bell




Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BWCwithJacindaBell/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacindabell01/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacindabell

Email: isabellasunshine2015@gmail.com


Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

Email:  jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com

Facebook personal page: https://facebook.com/jbellingerPL

Facebook podcast page: http://facebook.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Facebook group for Badass Crew: https://facebook.com/groups/BadassDirectSalesMoms

Instagram: https://instagram.com/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Personal Instagram: https://instagram.com/jenniebellinger

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/BadassDirectSalesMastery

Show Notes by Podcastologist: Angelica Rayco

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.