Staci Cahill: Givers Gain: Staci Cahill’s Approach to Building BNI Credibility

About Staci Cahill:

Staci Cahill is more than just a mom, doTERRA Wellness Advocate, BNI Coach, Sound Healer, and Classical Conversations homeschooler—she is a woman on a mission. Her passion lies in empowering other women to create abundance in their health, wealth, and life. Staci achieves this by listening with intent, providing healthy tools, products, and practices to help women function at their best, and offering encouragement on their journey to discover their passions and fulfill their purpose.

Through sharing her own inspirations, keys to success, struggles, and prayers, Staci aims to remind women that they are loved, they belong, and they are enough. Her hope is that her personal journey will inspire others to live the life they were uniquely created for, embracing its beauty and individuality.

In this episode, Jennie Bellinger and Staci Cahill discuss:

  • Overcoming skepticism in BNI as a direct sales professional
  • Transforming daughter’s health with doTERRA essential oils
  • Leveraging BNI to build relationships and grow doTERRA business
  • Embodying “givers gain” mentality to build credibility in BNI
  • Providing value to BNI members through educational classes

Key Takeaways:

  • Be persistent and intentional when facing skepticism as a direct sales professional in networking groups, and this is seen in Staci’s determination to prove her worth and find alternative ways to build her doTERRA business within BNI ultimately led to her long-term success.
  • Staci’s transformative experience of using doTERRA essential oils to improve her daughter’s severe asthma opened unexpected doors, sparking her passion for the products and the business opportunity, ultimately transforming her life.
  • Leverage relationships and referrals within BNI as they can be powerful drivers of business growth. 
  • Embodying the “givers gain” mentality is essential for establishing credibility and building long-lasting relationships in networking groups. 
  • With her “Dust Off Your Bottle” consultation, Staci empowers her BNI contacts by offering tailored resources and support, enabling them to more effectively promote and share doTERRA oils.

“DoTERRA oils opened doors, not just for my daughter’s health, but [it has also helped] 1000s of people since then, finding solutions to everyday health issues that they didn’t know they could find an answer for.” — Staci Cahill

Grab Staci’s FREE 15-minute consultation:

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Show Notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

Dr. Noah St. John: How to Build YOUR 7-Figure Machine

About Dr. Noah St. John:

Dr. Noah St. John is known as “The Father Of Afformations®” and “the Mental Health Coach To The Stars.”

Working with Hollywood celebrities, 7- and 8-figure company CEOs, and professional athletes, Noah is famous for helping people make more in just 12 weeks than they made in the last 12 months while winning their lives back.

He’s also the author of 25 books including his new book, “The 7-Figure Machine: Your Ultimate Roadmap To Endless Earnings And Financial Freedom” — and you can get $300 worth of free bonus gifts when you get the book at 

In this episode, Jennie Bellinger and Dr. Noah St. John discuss:

  • Integrating inner and outer game for success
  • Personality-driven vs. system-driven success
  • The importance of having a clear offer before client attraction
  • A systematic approach to building a seven-figure business
  • Bonus offers for listeners (seven-figure fast track course)

Key Takeaways:

  • True success in network marketing and entrepreneurship requires integrating both your inner game (mindset, beliefs, and permission to succeed) and outer game (strategies, tactics, and systems), and mastering this balance is crucial for breaking through income ceilings and achieving sustainable, long-term growth.
  • By implementing proven, repeatable systems, even introverted or shy individuals can achieve remarkable results, rather than relying solely on charismatic personalities.
  • Developing a strong offer should be the foundation; it determines the effectiveness of any subsequent marketing efforts.
  • As they position themselves properly,  published authors and professionals differentiate themselves in a crowded market and build trust with potential clients and team members.
  • To support listeners in their seven-figure journey, Dr. Noah offered exclusive bonuses, including the valuable seven-figure fast-track digital course, which can provide a significant head start in implementing the proven systems discussed.

“The problem for many entrepreneurs and many, if not most, network marketers is they’re still trading time for money.” — Dr. Noah St. John

“The 7-Figure Machine: Your Ultimate Roadmap to Endless Earnings and Financial Freedom” — In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Noah St. John, known worldwide as “The Father of AFFORMATIONS®” and “The Mental Heath Coach to The Stars” shares his insider secrets and proven tactics to help you maximize your online earnings and achieve your financial goals.

And your audience can get $300 worth of FREE Bonus gifts when you get The 7-Figure Machine book at

ALSO, you can get The 7-Figure Expert book for free, just pay shipping, and he’ll send you the digital copy until the physical copy arrives.

The 7-Figure Expert Book:

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Show Notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

Alex Aanderud: Finding YOUR Vital Spark

About Alex Aanderud :

Alex Aanderud, industry leader in DISC, human behavior and integrative psychology, combines his degree in aerospace engineering with his advanced certifications in Integrative psychology to apply systems and analytics to the human capital of organizations. Alex utilizes various psychometric assessments to improve team dynamics, retention, integrative leadership and Profitability. Alex has been brought in by the top coaching companies and teams to train their people on a new and innovative perspective of DISC and recruiting that has lead to massive growth, retention and expansion.

In this episode, Jennie Bellinger and Alex Aanderud  discuss:

  • Adapting communication styles to behavioral tendencies
  • Importance of self-awareness for leaders
  • Comprehensive Vital Spark personality assessment
  • Accessible Vital Spark AI coaching program
  • Strategies for empowerment

Key Takeaways:

  • To build strong relationships and drive results, master the ability to adapt your communication style to match the behavioral tendencies of others .
  • By fostering self-awareness and adaptability, leaders can create environments where team members thrive based on their unique strengths.
  • Going beyond the surface-level DISC model, the Vital Spark assessment delves deep into an individual’s internal emotional responses, natural tendencies, and key drivers.
  • Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, the Vital Spark AI coach provides 24/7 access to tailored coaching and advice based on an individual’s unique personality assessment.
  • Investing in self-discovery is a worthwhile commitment, allowing you to unlock new levels of success and fulfillment.

“If you can get out of your own way and learn to adapt, your team can thrive.” — Alex Aanderud 

Connect with Alex Aanderud :  

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Show Notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.

Jan Hoath: JOYfilled Leadership

About Jan Hoath:

Jan Hoath is an international speaker, poet, JOYfilled Mentor to visionary leaders/entrepreneurs. As a leadership coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, former professional alpine ski instructor, & masterful student of life, Jan offers a leading-edge blend to her work including her signature process, the Happiness Prism(TM) guiding you to claim JOY as your superpower to find deep fulfillment leading with heart without sacrificing your success. Jan embodies her JOY message skiing, running, surfing, sailing, learning banjo, meditating with moose, speaking on stages, facilitating transformational programs, and at home with her beloved family of husband, 2 kids, dog, and cat.

In this episode, Jennie Bellinger and Jan Hoath discuss:

  • JOYfilled leadership
  • Accessing joy and happiness as a path
  • The “Happiness Prism” – a 3-step process (play, peace, progress)
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Overcoming the “heaviness” of leadership

Key Takeaways:

  • Embracing joy as the foundation of leadership approaches leadership from a place of joy and fulfillment, rather than viewing it as a heavy burden. 
  • Highlights the significance of incorporating play, peace, and progress into one’s daily routine, The Happiness Prism helps individuals access their inner creativity, clarity, and inspiration to guide their actions.
  • Instead of seeing leadership as a weighty responsibility, reframe it as a privilege and an opportunity to respond and make a positive impact – empowering leaders to work with enthusiasm and purpose.
  • The guided, playful meditations offer a unique way for individuals to nourish their minds and bodies, enhancing clarity and focus. 
  • Embracing your inner spark of joy in entrepreneurship, even if it means deviating from the conventional path, can open doors to unexpected and deeply fulfilling opportunities that truly align with your passions and purpose.

“Play before, during, and after the work because that’s the energy where you’re so much more efficient and effective.” — Jan Hoath

Start your day off right with the JOYfilled Leader Morning Meditation. JOY is your secret soul superpower and competitive advantage as a leader! You can harness that superpower by tuning in to this special guided activating meditation to awaken your JOY and set you up for greater success in your day ahead.


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Show Notes by Podcastologist: Hanz Jimuel Alvarez

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.