Jackie Lapi: Get Out There! Podcasts and Virtual Networking

About Jackie Lapin: Jackie Lapin is a leader in helping leaders, authors, coaches, speakers and entrepreneurs connect with their next followers around the globe.  She provides strategies guidance, and leads through her speaker opportunity programs, tip sheets and regional directories that get changemakers booked for speaking engagements, radio shows, podcasts, and virtual summits across North America. Her internationally acclaimed conscious Media Relations Radio Podcast tours have helped nearly 200 luminaries leaders, filmmakers and authors, grow their businesses, sell more books, create viewership, and change more lives by introducing them up to 9000 radio shows and podcasts including such clients as Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Joe Vitale.

In this episode, Jennie and Jackie discuss:

  •  Getting in front of other audiences on radio, podcasts, and virtual summits.
  • https://speakertunity.com/  was designed to provide tip sheets for leaders on where they can book themselves
  •  Choosing a subject that’s not overdone to speak on.
  • Creating a 1-sheet specific to what you are trying to achieve.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your product/service solves a problem. Focus on the problem you can solve.
  • Offer value first. Customers are not always ready to buy right away. 
  • If you’re a guest on a podcast, consider sending the host the questions you want them to ask, make their job easy. 
  • A podcast 1-sheet should include a pitch letter that includes your credentials and why you’ll be a compelling guest
  • Virtual networking is changing everything. Be aware of how your are perceived because of your background and surroundings. 

“A lot of times customers are not ready to buy, but you want to get them into your community so that you can begin building that relationship with them. So if you never get out in front of these audiences, you’re never going to grow your business.” — Jackie Lapin

Get your free month of Speakertunity Speaker Leads, Radio Insider, and Virtual Summits here https://speakertunity.com/free-trials/

Connect with Jackie Lapin:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jackielapin?lang=en
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/speakertunity/
 Website: https://speakertunity.com/
 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackielapin


Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/
Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/
Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/


Show notes by Podcastologist: Strickland Bonner

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast    will prove it.