Are You a Masochist? If Not, Then Stop the Pity Party!

In BDSM, the “M” stands for masochism, or someone who receives pleasure from pain.

Keep in mind, this podcast is a safe space, so I hold NO judgment.

So if you do not identify as a masochist, and you hold pity parties more often than birthday parties… there’s a misalignment here!

Damn, that sounds a lot like a coach to me…

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Episode 6 I Always Win and So Do You

This week, I share with you my mindset around direct sales success. “I Always Win and So Do You.” Adjust your mindset around your business to reflect a “win/win” outlook in order to achieve the success that you desire.

Don’t forget to join our Badass Direct Sales Mastery Community on Facebook. As a listener of the podcast, you get preferred pricing the first 30 days. Our Badass Community includes weekly accountability for you and your business, weekly business tips, giveaways, free coaching, and support from other like-minded direct sales professionals who are working to dominate their business and whip it into shape. Most importantly, members of the Badass Community have access to me as their coach. Just visit and click the purple Join Now button.

Why a Dentist Chose Rodan + Fields Skin Care – An interview with Cynthia Couch, DMD

As a disrupter company, Rodan + Fields Skin Care has seemingly figured out how to attract high profile consultants like lawyers and doctors. Jennie Bellinger, Your Direct Sales Domme, interviews Dr. Cynthia Couch, a dentist from London, Kentucky about her business with Rodan + Fields. See what attracted this highly intelligent and very busy dentist to add “Rodan + Fields” consultant to her resume.

If you’d like to contact Dr. Cynthia, you can reach her through Facebook at:

or through her R+F Facebook page:

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast on your favorite podcast provider.

When you also rate, review and share the podcast with a friend, you can set yourself up for a complimentary coaching session at 

The post Why a Dentist Chose Rodan + Fields Skin Care – An interview with Cynthia Couch, DMD appeared first on Badass Direct Sales Mastery.

Why a Dentist Chose Rodan + Fields Skin Care – An interview with Cynthia Couch, DMD

As a disrupter company, Rodan + Fields Skin Care has seemingly figured out how to attract high profile consultants like lawyers and doctors. Jennie Bellinger, Your Direct Sales Domme, interviews Dr. Cynthia Couch, a dentist from London, Kentucky about her business with Rodan + Fields. See what attracted this highly intelligent and very busy dentist to add “Rodan + Fields” consultant to her resume.

If you’d like to contact Dr. Cynthia, you can reach her through Facebook at:

or through her R+F Facebook page:

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast on your favorite podcast provider.

When you also rate, review and share the podcast with a friend, you can set yourself up for a complimentary coaching session at 



Get Someone In Your Corner! An Interview with Marcy Cascio-Hale, Executive Consultant with Rodan + Fields

Marcy Wolfe Cascio-Hale has been a Rodan + Fields consultant for over 3 years. She’s faced obstacles and overcome them to rise to the level of success that she’s attained.

In this interview, Marcy shares her secret to success; caring accountability partners and coaches who have kept her “Why” and her goals in front of her face so that she stays motivated to keep on going in the business.

You can connect with Marcy on Facebook:

Don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher and Overcast!

Connect with other badass direct sales rock stars in the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Community on Facebook. Join by going to and click on JOIN THE COMMUNITY.

Why BDSM and Our Safe Word

So why did Jennie choose to become Your Direct Sales Domme and name her podcast Badass Direct Sales Mastery (BDSM)? Get all the dish about how this podcast came to be and she even reveals our safe word. Hint: it’s a bat out of hell…. (Thanks Domenic Rinaldi! Check out his podcast, M&A Unplugged)

Your Direct Sales Domme may be contacted through She’s offering you a complimentary session to reach either one “Ah-ha!” moment or one actionable step that will move your business forward. Schedule your session right now.

Why Coaching Episode

In this episode, Your Direct Sales Domme, Jennie Bellinger, answers the questions:

Why did she become a coach?

Why did she leave her successful direct sales business for coaching full time?

Don’t forget to go to to gain access to the Badass Community with preferred pricing because you listen to the podcast!

Welcome Episode

Welcome to the Badass Direct Sales Mastery Podcast! This podcast is for rock star direct sales reps and leaders who want to shorten their learning curve and whip their business into shape with the help of The Direct Sales Domme, Jennie Bellinger, CPC.

In this episode, learn about The Direct Sales Domme herself, and why she does what she does.

Visit to get access to the podcast, access to the Badass Community on Facebook at a preferred rate for the first 30 days, and even to send in your application to be a guest on the show.

This first season will be a combination of solo shows and interviews with consultants and leaders from Rodan + Fields. But first, you need to know just who the fuck Jennie Bellinger is.

Make sure that you SUBSCRIBE to the podcast, RATE (5 stars is best), and REVIEW (tell me what you like and you’ll be rewarded with more of it… *wink, wink*). The biggest compliment you can pay me is to share this with a friend or two.