Odille Remmert – From Struggle to Superpower

About Odille Remmert: She is an international mindset coach, speaker, author and co-founder of the Remmert Method. Having changed her own life from a lifetime of physical, emotional and financial struggle to married to the love of her life, doing what she loves for a living and now owning the rental property she used to clean, Odille’s passion is helping others to step into their own authentic power by changing the root of limiting sub-conscious beliefs using the latest in neuroscience in the same way that she did. 

In this episode, Jennie and Odille Remmert discuss:

  • Struggling to work hard while not getting anywhere and how being stuck is often rooted in childhood. 
  • Dealing with the root of the problem 
  • Neuroscienced-backed way of rewiring your memories and subconscious
  • Applying these concepts to give yourself a boost in your direct-sales business

Key Takeaways:

  • Ask yourself these three questions: 1.) how do you know it’s a problem? 2.) how does that feel? 3.)Where in my childhood did I feel that feeling 
  • What we tend to do, because that’s what we see, is that we cut the leaves, and the branches of the weed. But to be able to be truly transformed, you will have to uproot that weed and plant something good. 
  • Change a part of the memory to remove the stress that is associated in it – change the vibe of that particular memory into something pleasant and you’ll be surprised with how much that affects your life. 
  • Personal development will contribute greatly to your business’ development. 

“Somebody can say something mean, one person can be hurt, another can be angry but another person may find it funny and what makes that difference is the subconscious references from their childhood experiences..” —  Odille Remmert

Get Odille’s FREE Starter Pack: https://mailchi.mp/theremmertmethod/free-starter-pack 

Connect with Odille Remmert:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/odilleremmert 

Website: https://www.theremmertmethod.com/ |

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/odille-remmert/ 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Time for Role Play Reversal… Jennie Gets Interviewed!

Be A Success Maverick Vol 3 is NOW available!

To get your own copy, go to: https://beasuccessmaverick.com/author/jenniebellinger/

Includes additional authors such as Drew Berman, Paul Finck, Colleen Rekers, Greg Sanders, Marshall Sylver, Rae Ann Hall, Forbes Riley and MORE!

The Answer is Always “No”

In this episode, Jennie discusses:

  • Why you shouldn’t stop yourself from asking
  • A concrete example of the principle of asking 
  • What would happen if you become too afraid to ask 
  • What to do before asking others

Key Takeaways:

  • Ask if you want a possible yes. Don’t ask if you want to have a guaranteed no.
  • Don’t give up on something that’s “improbable” – improbable implies that there is a chance that it will have a positive outcome. 
  • Your life will never go anywhere unless you take the courage to ask 
  • Practicing asking others by first asking yourself how others can benefit from you

“Ask, ask, ask. Don’t be afraid to ask. The worst thing that could happen is if they say no but they might say yes. But if you don’t ask, the answer is always no. .” —  Jennie Bellinger


Don’t miss out! Click here to sign up for the webinar: www.badassdirectsalesmastery.com/keys

Check out VIDYARD by clicking this link: https://vidyard.com/badass 



Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Romina Muhamataj – Get Great at Sales

About Romina Muhamataj: She is the founder of Six 7 Radius and the Host of Coffee With Romina Podcast. She moved to America at just 17 years old all by herself intending to pursue her american dream and accomplishments. Romina talks about her stubbornness on her goals continuously. She is also the FSCJ SHRM Student Chapter and President for the NE Florida Negotiation Club. 

In this episode, Jennie and Romina discuss:

  • Reasons for getting into sales
  • The Art of Negotiation
  • The number one reason why clients don’t buy
  • Apples, Oranges and Coconuts

Key Takeaways:

  • Sales is all about solving problems for other people.
  • Don’t just break the ice, shatter it completely.
  • Sales isn’t only for sales professionals, it’s an all-around skill – no matter what your career is, you have to learn it to be successful.
  • Drop the close. People won’t buy if you don’t give them a call to action or the next step.

“You can have the most amazing idea out there but if you don’t know how to pitch it and you don’t know how to sell it, you’re going to file a bankruptcy. That’s the ugly truth.” —  Romina Muhamataj

Connect with Romina Muhamataj:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/connetwithromina

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coffeewithromina/

Coffee With Romina Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-with-romina/id1470777920 or https://open.spotify.com/show/58cVXk3M6rfHajozKvCIS7

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6GLoLb6CvKnVVBa_2YtjWg

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rominamuhametaj/



Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

If It’s Not a “Hell Yes!” It’s Not a Yes At All

In this episode, Jennie discusses:

  • The difference between a “yes” and a “hell yes”
  • Saying “hell yes” to your dreams 
  • How saying “hell yes” can affect your life and career 
  • Commitment, confidence, and passion

Key Takeaways:

  • Let your “hell yes” be louder than your fears and doubts 
  • Start by saying hell yes – going all in – to your dreams, your family and your self. 
  • You need to know what’s going to make people say “hell yes”. A timid yes can become a hell yes, and it starts with you. 
  • Confidence in yourself is what makes you badass enough to get a “hell yes”. 

“Are you someone that you would say ‘hell yes’ to? If not, why not? Don’t let fear being seen as ‘talky’ hold you back. People prefer confidence.” —  Jennie Bellinger 


Don’t miss out! Click here to sign up for the webinar: www.badassdirectsalesmastery.com/keys 

Check out VIDYARD by clicking this link: https://vidyard.com/badass 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla 

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Mimi Maclean – Run Your Life like a Badass CEO

This episode is sponsored by VidYard. Go set up your complimentary VidYard account at https://vidyard.com/badass


About Mimi Maclean: She’s a serial entrepreneur, a business school grad, a CPA, an angel investor and a host of the Badass CEO Podcast. She started the Badass CEO Podcast to share everything she learned from investing in successful companies and from working with incredible female founders. Through their courses, blog, and podcast, you can learn excellent business strategies, how to persevere through struggles and what it takes to start and run a company. Straight from women who have disrupted industries and turned opportunities into wins. 


In this episode, Jennie and Mimi Maclean discuss:

  • The similarities between direct sales and traditional business management
  • Struggles and challenges you will encounter when doing direct-sales
  • Dealing with rejection and maximizing results with good mindset techniques
  • Wearing different hats and juggling priorities


Key Takeaways:

  • People can see through you when you’re selling your product, that’s why you have to genuinely believe in your product. 
  • Sales is a numbers game. If you want to have one client, you have to ask ten people. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask people that you hold less or no expectations of. Count the “no’s” instead of the “yes’s” – set a goal of 100 no’s per month. 
  • When setting up your priorities, don’t neglect family – structure your life in a way where you can be productive at work and able to spend time with your loved ones. 


“You have to have that passion for your product and if you don’t have that then you’re not selling the right thing.” —  Mimi Maclean


Check out VIDYARD by clicking this link: https://vidyard.com/badass


Connect with Mimi Maclean:

Listen to her podcast: https://thebadassceo.com/#listen

 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BadassCEO1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassceo1/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badass.ceo/

Website: https://thebadassceo.com/ | https://mimimaclean.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGPmgDXNZ56DKWMa6lyW4eg

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mimi-maclean-6639201b/



Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla 

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Ready, Aim, Aim, Aim

In this episode, Jennie discusses:

  • Why we keep waiting for the “right thing” and how it can hold us back
  • Perfectionism: the fear of making a mistake 
  • Getting over the fear of what people will think 
  • Misconception about hearing no and why you don’t have to fear it

Key Takeaways:

  • Fear is holding you back but you’re stronger than you think. 
  • Think about all the things you’ve gone through and how you’ve won whenever you’re doubting yourself. 
  • We make mistakes, but we learn best from our mistakes. Feel free to screw up. 
  • Hearing “no” won’t kill you. It might hurt, but it gives you freedom to find the ideal person instead of wasting your time on someone who’s not into it. Celebrate the no’s.  
  • Just do something. Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

“We often bask in the success without looking at what made it possible. Whereas, when we fall and when we fail, we tend to review what happened to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it before it happens again.” —  Jennie Bellinger


For the first 500 only, sign up for the webinar here: https://www.badassdirectsalesmastery.com/keys 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Debi Ronca – Transition is a Bridge

About Debi Ronca: Founder and CEO of Sequoia Life Coaching, coaching you to higher heights, rooted in strength and clarity. Debbie empowers women to process their transitions by using her proprietery process called REAL. Debi equips women by helping them recognize the symptoms, evaluate their inner challenges, align then live in a place of wholeness and clarity in their new season or direction in life. 

Debbie is the author of The Family Letter, an international best-selling book, which created a global movement to bring healing, bonding and connection to families around the world. She is also a certified John Maxwell coach and DISC trainer, and she is available to speak on leadership, family and spiritual topics. 


In this episode, Jennie and Debi Ronca discuss:

  • What “transition coaching” is all about
  • Early identifying symptoms of transition
  • Getting out of the “messy middle” and challenging your limiting beliefs
  • Emotions, what they want to tell you and how you can use that to get out of the bridge of transition

Key Takeaways:

  • Burn out, conflict, anger and unsatisfaction are all symptoms of transition. Let your emotions have a voice when going through a transition, listen to it.
  • Ponder your thoughts as you cross the bridge to the other side – to the challenge that your life is taking you to. Don’t choose comfort by coming back to where you were. 
  • The wounds of life must be left behind through a season of healing as we transition to a better place. All that baggage is not going to fit inside the tunnel. 
  • Dismantle these foundational lies to empower yourself with truth to help you keep moving. 

“Don’t miss the transitions because we learn from them, we grow from them and we come out better from them.” —  Debi Ronca 

Get Debi’s Book at https://debironca.com/product/the-family-letter/

 or https://www.amazon.com/Family-Letter-Intentionally-Develop-Encouragement/dp/1686868685/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=The+Family+Letter+Debi+Ronca&qid=1624052085&sr=8-1


Connect with Debi Ronca:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authordebironca/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debironca

Website:  https://debironca.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debironca/ 



Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Geri Brisbane Crooks – Get PMS (no, it’s NOT what you think!)

About Geri Brisbane Crooks: She has been a business owner for over 38 years. She is the founding director of The Brisbane Academy and Brisbane Tutoring Center Incorporated and a certified transformational coach since 2004. Geri established the tutorial program in the early 1980s and founded Brisbane Academy in 1992 as an accredited preparatory school for Pre-K through Highschool learners. She has used her B.A. in Mathematics and her Master’s degree in Education Administration to successfully advise many professionals ranging from school principals and business owners, to doctors and day traders. Since then, Geri has led over 26 Joy Journeys to south africa, allowing those who provide valuable products and services to rest, recharge and reconnect to their joy and meet other like-minded professionals. With almost four decades of experience as a business owner and an alumni of the The Women’s Advantage Levels one and two Forums, it is Geri’s honor to facilitate and share her amazing program that contributed to her school’s operation and financial growth. Her passion in life is to educate and support others in living their best life.    

In this episode, Jennie and Geri Brisbane Crooks discuss:

  • Being an educator and experiencing burn-out as a teacher and as a student. 
  • Stepping up and taking up our role as super heroes in our families and careers and sharing our superpower with the world. 
  • How to find your purpose and how to help others find theirs – finding your PMS
  • How to empower people without burning out 

Key Takeaways:

  • The energy level of the children is typically reflected from their parents. 
  • Coaching the parents to help the children 
  • Empowered women empower the world 
  • Give from your saucer, not from your cup – give out of your overflow, don’t let yourself run out. 

“We’ll be able to handle everything that comes our way as long as we’re crystal clear with who we are.” —  Geri Brisbane Crooks

Connect with Geri Brisbane Crooks:

Website: https://www.brisbaneacademy.org/ | https://myjoycoach.net 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geraldine-crooks-078a2211/ 



Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Carol Bastien: Get Your Mind Right First

About Carol Bastien: Her own journey to nutrition began after going through a health crisis in her own family. For the past 25 years and more, her focus has been working on the Juice Plus+ Company, sharing about whole food nutrition and prevention. Carol is widely recognized in her community as a professional that helps bridge the historical divide between conventional and alternative. She first began her career as a surgical technician and then chose to be a stay-at-home mom to raise her two sons. Being a strong athlete, Carol played competitive racquetball for 20 years and also achieved and served as a certified racquetball instructor while traveling and competing in tournaments. She received her LEAN coach certification with The Dr.William Sears’ LEAN Coach Program and her personal trainer and group trainer certification. She also completed the 2009 St. Jude Memphis Marathon and the half marathon in 2010 through 2015. Carol is most proud of her family. Her husband Randall of 41 years, their two sons, daughter in law and two granddaughters. 


In this episode, Jennie and Carol Bastien discuss:

  • What you can do to get to the next level in your career.
  • Mindsets for success 
  • Sports mindsets that work for business and how to motivate yourself to smile and dial
  • Some ways to effectively communicate with people and secrets to direct sales

Key Takeaways:

  • Break free from the endless excuses you give yourself. Go all-in, commit to your dream. 
  • Progress over perfection. Figure out what you’re going to do today even if it’s just one thing. 
  • Visualize your goals and dreams, use that to motivate yourself. Let yourself feel it. 
  • Be comfortable with what you’re sharing. Find deeper meaning in your what you do

“Progress over perfection. Moving forward. Figure out what you’re going to do today even if it’s just one thing.” —  Carol Bastien


Connect with Carol Bastien:

Twitter: https://t.co/5MTwmpuSZF

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/4thehealthuvit

Website: https://www.juiceplus.com




Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenniebpl

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/app/307339332686535/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badassdirectsalesmastery/

Website: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/

 Show: https://badassdirectsalesmastery.com/blog/

Email: jennie@badassdirectsalesmastery.com


Show notes by Podcastologist: Justine Talla

Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.